* Parcel + Postexpo 2024, held in October 2024 in Amsterdam, featured inspiring and innovative presentations that shed light on the future of the postal industry in the areas of Emerging Technology Trends and Compliance, as well as Operational Efficiency and Process Automation. Some of the presentation topics included innovative approaches such as using social networks to prepare shipments, applying AI analytics for smart logistics, and using RFID technology to improve efficiency in the postal sector.
The presentations can be viewed at the following links:
Leveraging AI and Big Data Analytics for Smart Logistics
RFID - this time for real
Stamp Free Hugh Craigie Halkett
* The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering in Belgrade has published the conference proceedings of the XLII Symposium on Novel Technologies in Postal and Telecommunications Traffic − PosTel 2024, which contains the results of research in the field of postal and telecommunications traffic in the past one-year period. – https://ebooks.sf.bg.ac.rs/index.php/1/catalog/book/24.
* The European Commission has published a Prospective study on the future of the postal sector. The study defines five future scenarios for the EU postal sector with a time horizon of up to 2040 in order to identify key challenges in the market – https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c518ad7f-a722-11ef-85f0-01aa75ed71a1/language-en.