Geographic overview of broadband network distribution for operators
Ratel / Electronic Communications / Networks and services / For operators and service providers / Geographic overview of broadband network distribution for operators

Article 44 of the Law on Electronic Communications („Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 35/23) stipulates that the Regulator shall collect and process information on the geographical distribution of broadband networks, plans for their future development, improvement or expansion, including very high capacity networks.
The manner of collecting information, the procedure for preparing and the content of the geographic overview of the distribution of broadband networks, the manner of collecting statements of intent to build, improve or expand broadband networks, including very high capacity networks, as well as the manner of accessing the geographical overview shall be prescribed in more detail by the Regulator.
In the process of collecting the above-mentioned information, the Regulator shall cooperate with the authority responsible for state cadastral survey.
The Regulator shall determine the geographical area in which the broadband network is not available nor is its construction planned and shall publish information on the determined geographical areas on its website.