ISP open Internet access
Ratel / Electronic Communications / Networks and services / For operators and service providers / ISP open Internet access

One of the obligations of internet service providers is to ensure open access to the internet. Open Internet Access is regulated by Article 134 of the Law on Electronic Communications („Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 35/23).
Open internet refers to the possibility of end-users being able to access all legal services, content and applications on the internet, as well as equal treatment of all internet traffic in the electronic communications network, regardless of its source, destination, type or title of right holder, which excludes discrimination, blocking, unjustified slowing down or prioritisation of certain types of traffic.
Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 is the basic EU regulatory framework governing the monitoring of open internet access. The key issues set out in this regulation are:
· reasonable traffic management and exceptions under which discriminatory management may be considered justified;
· specialised services (e.g. IPTV) and the conditions under which they may be provided separately from internet access services;
· commercial practices relating to internet content, services and applications;
· transparency and provision of information to users;
· measuring and monitoring the quality of service.
The provisions of Article 134 of the Law on Electronic Communications incorporate certain parts of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120.
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