Forms for the submission of operators' statistical data
Ratel / Postal Services / For postal operators / Forms for the submission of operators' statistical data

Postal operators and the Regulator are obliged to submit data regarding the provision of postal services within the established deadlines at the request of the Ministry and/or the Regulator.
The Regulator monitors developments in the field of postal services, collects information, forms, maintains a database of importance for the area of postal services and publishes data regularly.
Quarterly Reports
KRAP-1 Quarterly report for the fourth quarter (Q4) for courier service operators for 2024
KRAP-2 Quarterly report for the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2024 for express service operators
Quarterly Report III - Express
Overviews of the express and courier services market in the Republic of Serbia by quarter can be found at the link:
Annual Reports – The questionnaire is completed via the link: