Annual reports on quality parameters
Ratel / Electronic Communications / Networks and services / For operators and service providers / Guidelines, forms and reports / Annual reports on quality parameters

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Rulebook on quality parameters of publicly available electronic communication services, measurements and testing and verification of the conduct of electronic communication operators ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 23/23, hereinafter: the Rulebook), operators are obliged to perform a quality check on the provision of services, as well as submit the values of the quality parameters to the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (hereinafter: the Regulator) on the prescribed forms.
In this regard, you are obliged to submit to the Regulator data in the Reports for electronic communications services for which you are registered (Annex 1 to the Rulebook), for 2023.
The corresponding forms of the Report on Quality Parameters can be downloaded from the portal:
You can submit the completed reports to the Regulator by March 15, 2024 in electronic form via the Regulator's online desk, referring to your public case number that you received in the Request for submission of data on the quality parameters of publicly available electronic communication services for 2023, or by email :, and you can also send it anytime in writing to the Regulator's address, Palmotićeva 2, 11000 Belgrade.
Submission of the requested data is a legal obligation for operators, in accordance with Article 34 of the Law on Electronic Communications ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 35/23). A fine of 250,000.00 to 500,000.00 dinars for a legal entity is foreseen for non-compliance with this legal obligation according to paragraph 1, item 2) Article 170.