Radio frequency (RF) spectrum
Ratel / About Regulator / FAQ - frequently asked questions / Radio frequency (RF) spectrum

QUESTION: What is the procedure for obtaining FM station licence?
ANSWER: A licence to use radio frequencies for radio (FM) broadcasting station is obtained exclusively based on the public competition launched by the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM), i.e. by being granted the licence to provide radio media services via terrestrial analogue broadcast. For information on the competition please contact REM ( After obtaining the licence for radio media service provision via terrestrial analogue broadcast, the user should make a request to RATEL in order to be issued the individual licence for radio frequency usage. The two licences constitute a single licence for the operation of radio (FM) broadcasting station.
QUESTION: What documents are required in order to be issued the individual licence for radio frequency usage?
ANSWER: In order to be issued the individual licence for radio frequency usage, the request needs to be accompanied by the appropriate filled-out Application Form for the issuance of individual licence for radio frequency and relevant technical documentation.
QUESTION: What documents are required in order to be issued a temporary licence and how long is it valid for?
ANSWER: A temporary licence for radio frequency usage is issued for a period of up to 60 days. In order to be granted a temporary radio station license foreign legal entities need to submit a filled out ZPDPR-SPL Form.
QUESTION: What documents are required in order to be granted frequency and issued a licence for functional systems?
ANSWER: In order to be issued the individual licence for radio frequency usage for functional systems, the request needs to be accompanied by the appropriate filled-out Application Form for the issuance of individual licence ZPD Form and relevant technical documentation, prepared according to the Rulebook on application forms for the issuance of individual licences for the use of radio frequencies („Official Gazette of RS“, Nos. 8/11 and 2/14), along with a filled-out form of the radio station license for the use of radio frequencies. It is mandatory to specify the geographic coordinates within WGS84 system in the Application Form (WGS84 coordinates need to be determined accurately, by means of GPS).
QUESTION: What documents are required in order to be issued a permit for radio station on board of an aircraft or vessel?
ANSWER: In order to be issued a permit for radio station on board of an aircraft, the request needs to be accompanied by the appropriate filled-out Application Form for the issuance of individual licence - ZPDV Form and the following documents: certificate of aircraft registration; certificate issued by the Business Register Agency on the business registration (for the aircraft is owned by a legal entity) or a photocopy of the ID card if the owner of the aircraft is a natural entity; proof of assigned TIN (only if the owner of the aircraft is a legal entity) and technical characteristics of each radio device. All radio devices on board of aircraft need to be specified.
ANSWER: In order to be issued a permit for radio station on board of a vessel, the request needs to be accompanied by the appropriate filled-out Application Form for the issuance of individual licence - ZPDB Form and the following documents: sailing permit / ship’s papers or other proof of ship ownership (vessel purchase/lease contract, certificate issued by the commercial court on the vessel ownership), certificate issued by the Business Register Agency on the business registration and proof of assigned TIN (in case the vessel is owned by a legal entity) or a photocopy of the ID card, if the owner is a natural entity; technical characteristics of each radio device; decision indicating the vessel’s name and call sign, issued by the ministry of infrastructure in charge of waterways and navigation safety;
QUESTION: What is the procedure for registering CB radio station?
ANSWER: Detailed information regarding CB radio station is given in the Rulebook on the manner of radio frequency usage under general authorization regime („Official Gazette of RS“, No. 28/13), on the website of the Agency.
In order to register a CB radio station, ERFOO3 Form needs to be filled out, given in Annex 3 of the Rulebook.
QUESTION: What are the necessary documents in order o be issued a radio amateur licence and a radio amateur permit?
ANSWER: In order to be issued a radio amateur licence the following documents need to be submitted to the Agency:
· filled out, signed and stamped Application for radio amateur licence issuance – ZRLA Form. The form can be found on RATEL’s website.
· proof of payment of the fee for the issuance of the radio amateur licence
· and also, the certificate on the assigned call sign issued by the Association of Radio Amateurs if:
1. the application is made for the first time,
2. the call sign is changed
3. the radio amateur class is changed
· certificate on the passed exam for the appropriate class if:
1. the application is made for the first time,
2. the radio amateur class is changed
· ID card scan (for underage persons, birth certificate and certified written consent from a parent need to be provided).
Based on the submitted documents, the Regulator shall issue an amateur radio stations valid for a period of 10 years.
ANSWER: In order to be issued the individual licence for the use of radio frequencies for personal amateur radio station, the following documents need to be submitted to the Agency:
· Application form for the issuance of individual licence for the use of radio frequencies for personal amateur radio station – ZPDLA Form and/or ZPDKA Form for an amateur club radio station. The forms can be found on RATEL’s website.
· proof of payment of the fee for the issuance of the individual licence for personal and/or amateur club radio station,
· if applied for a personal amateur radio station, a photocopy of the radio amateur licence needs to be provided, and if the applied for an amateur club radio station a photocopy of the radio amateur licence of the person in charge within the radio amateur organization who is the applicant needs to be provided,
· ID card scan (for underage persons, birth certificate and certified written consent from a parent need to be provided),
· certificate on assigned call sign for a club, repeater and beacon station issued by the Serbian Association of Radio Amateurs,
· proof of registration in the relevant register when applying for a club, repeater and beacon station.
For all radio stations owned by one radio amateur, the Agency shall issue one licence for personal amateur radio station valid for a period of 10 years.
For all radio stations owned by one radio amateur organization, with a single call sign, the Agency shall issue one licence for amateur club radio station valid for a period of 10 years.
The fee for the issuance of the radio amateur licence and the individual licence is 1,000.00 RSD and it is regulated by the Rulebook on the Fee Calculation for the Provision of Services within the Competence of the Republic Agency for Electronic Communications („Official Gazette of RS“ No. 34/13), Article 3, item 18.
QUESTION: Allocation and terms of use of specific frequency bands
ANSWER: Allocation and terms of use of specific frequency bands are regulated by the RF Band Allocation Plan.
QUESTION: Radio frequency usage in the bands under general authorization regime, in particular 2400-2483.5 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz and 5725-5875 MHz.
ANSWER: Broadband data transmission system and wireless access radio stations, including local coverage open area radio networks (WAS/RLANs) may use frequencies in 2400-2483.5 MHz and 5470-5725MHz bands. 5470-5725MHz band may be used for broadband fixed wireless access systems (BFWA). Radio stations must operate in line with Annex 2, item 2.1 and 2.2 of the Rulebook on the manner of radio frequency usage under general authorization regime. These stations need to be registered. The instructions on filling out and submitting the registration applications and the application forms are available on the website of the Agency. The registration and frequency usage is free of charge.
QUESTION: Radio frequency usage in the bands 72-76 /82-86 GHz.
ANSWER: Frequency bands 72-76 /82-86 GHz are allocated to fixed, microwave links. Radio stations must operate in line with Annex 2, item 2.3 of the Rulebook on the manner of radio frequency usage under general authorization regime. These stations need to be registered. The instructions on filling out and submitting the registration applications and the application forms are available on the website of the Agency. The registration and frequency usage is free of charge.
QUESTION: Proposed frequencies for microwave links