Infrastructure for shared use
Ratel / Electronic Communications / Networks and services / For operators and service providers / Infrastructure for shared use

Pursuant to the Law on Electronic Communications („Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 53/23), an operator shall be entitled to request shared use (including physical co-location) of network elements and associated facilities of another operator or a third party as well as the real estate for the use whereof another operator or a third party has instituted the right of easement or the real estate acquired in the expropriation proceedings, i.e. when a new electronic communications network and associated facilities may not be constructed or installed without negative effects to the environment, public safety, realization of spatial planning, or cultural heritage conservation.
According to Article 56 of the Law, the Regulator shall keep an up-to-date database on the type, geographic location and availability of all capacities of electronic communications network and associated facilities, in accordance with the law and by-laws governing the field of the national infrastructure of geospatial data, metadata, interoperability, network services, and access to datasets and data services.
The Regulator, in cooperation with the authority competent for state survey and cadastre tasks, shall regulate more closely the manner of the collection, maintenance of, and access to the data that may be subject to shared use and the use of database.
Transiton period:
Until the adoption of a new rulebook that will regulate in detail the method of access, collection and access to the database, as well as the implementation of the new database, the existing database and the provisions of the previous Law on Electronic Communications ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 44/10, 60/13 - CC and 62/14) and the Rulebook on the method of collection and publication of data on the type, availability and geographical location of electronic communications network capacities ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 66/15) shall apply. Pursuant to Article 52 of the old Law, it is stipulated that the Regulator shall maintain an up-to-date Database on the type, availability and geographical location of capacities that may be subject to shared use. The capacity database contains data on antenna masts and cable ducts of electronic communications networks. Database of capacities that may be subject to shared use and access.