RATEL collaborates with international organizations, regulatory authorities and other expert institutions and follows the development of electronic communications and postal services, market regulation and revisions of regulatory and international acts in terms of the introduction of new services and technologies.
Electronic communications
RATEL is a member of the International Telecommunication Union - ITU, the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations - CEPT and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute - ETSI.
Within ITU, RATEL's representatives participate in the work of many expert work groups in the area of radio frequency spectrum management, broadcasting, terrestrial and satellite services, broadband Internet, transport networks and infrastructure, numbering standardization, ICT development indicators, QoS, also taking part in the meetings of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC).
As part of the cooperation with CEPT, RATEL participates in the activities of the Electronic Communications Committee – ECC, project team which deals with the area of IMT (International Mobile Telecommunications) referring to the radio frequency planning and regulatory development for the existing and new generation of mobile communications (PT1), working group for RF spectrum monitoring (WG FM), working group for RF spectrum management technical guidelines (WG SE) and the Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) responsible for developing briefs, studies, and European Common Proposals (ECPs) for World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC).
As of 2012, RATEL is a full-fledged member of the Independent Regulators Group - IRG (IRG), and a participant without voting rights in the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications - BEREC. RATEL’s representatives attend BEREC’s Board of Regulators (BoR), Management Board (MB) and Contact Network (CN) meetings. Since 2013, RATEL has also actively participated in the activities of BEREC’s expert working groups.
RATEL cooperates with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), within the expert group ECASEC dealing with network and service integrity, resilience, and security (former expert group for Article 13a).
In addition, RATEL participates in the work of the expert Radio Spectrum Policy Group - RSPG, a high-profile task force assisting the European Commission in the matters of RF management policy development. As an observer in this body, Serbia has the opportunity to take a closer look into the EU strategy of RF spectrum use, both in short and long term.
RATEL is a member of REDCA (Radio Equipment Directive Compliance Association), an alliance gathering designated bodies, organizations assessing radio equipment conformity, consulting companies, manufacturers and administrations in the EEA and countries with signed mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with the EU. The significance of REDCA membership implies access to important information on radio equipment and exchange of experiences in the implementation of the Radio Equipment Directive.
Postal services
RATEL cooperates with the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the European Committee for Postal Regulation (CERP) and the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP).
RATEL's representatives take part in the UPU working groups dealing with postal regulation, as well as in the activities of CERP WGs, and as observers in the work of ERGP.
RATEL collaborates with all relevant international organizations in the field of postal regulation and, in particular, with postal regulators of the countries in the region.
Cyber security
The National CERT has been accredited on the international Trusted Introducer CERT team list intended for support to the alert centres in case of compromised information systems security. Thanks to this membership, RATEL, i.e. the National CERT, has been able to monitor, collect and exchange timely and reliable data on cyber security incidents and risks. RATEL's active participation in international meetings and workshops contributes to the improved protection against security risks in ICT systems.
As of February 2020, the National CERT is a full member of FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams) – a global leader in connecting CERTs worldwide, thus becoming the first CERT in the Republic of Serbia with membership in this organization.
Bilateral cooperation
With the aim of strengthening the cooperation with the colleagues from other countries, RATEL has concluded numerous memorandums of understanding in the area of electronic communications, postal services and information security, providing for regular exchange of information on policy and strategy development, expert meetings focused on examining and comparing technical, legal, economic and other aspects of regulatory activities in the areas of common interest. Particular attention is given to the collaboration with regulators from the region, encouraging the exchange of experience and opinions on important issues pertaining to market regulation and development.