Licenses for the use of radio frequency spectrum
Ratel / Electronic Communications / Radio frequency spectrum / Radio frequency spectrum use / Licenses for the use of radio frequency spectrum

Each legal or natural person is entitled to use the radio frequency spectrum. This right is exercised based on individual licenses for the use of radio frequency spectrum that can be issued:
· based on a request, or
· based on a public tender procedure.
RATEL keeps records and regularly updates its database on the use of radio frequency spectrum and database on the use of radio broadcasting spectrum.
Individual license for the use of radio frequency spectrum issued at request
The right to use the radio frequency spectrum is acquired based on the individual license for the use of radio frequency spectrum issued at request, if the allocation plan allows such a manner of individual license issuance within a specified radi frequency band.
The individual license for the use of radio frequency spectrum issued at request is awarded according to different types of requests, as defined in the Rulebook on request forms for the issuance of individual licenses for the use of radio frequencies. Application is possible both in hard copy and electronically, via Online Desk.
Foreign diplomatic and consular missions are entitled to use radio frequencies based on individual licenses issued at request.
Foreign legal entities exercising business, technical, informational, scientific, cultural, sports and other types of cooperation in the Republic of Serbia, under the relevant international agreements, are entitled to use radio frequencies based on individual licenses issued at request.
Temporary license for the use of radio frequency spectrum
The right to use the radio frequency spectrum for the purpose of market or technical survey of products and services, research and design, sporting, cultural and entertainmnet events, as well as any other time limited events, is acquired based on a temporary license for the use of radio frequency spectrum issued pursuant to a decision.
Individual license for the use of radio frequency spectrum issued following a public tender procedure
The right to use the radio frequency spectrum is acquired based on an individual license issued following a public bidding procedure, when such manner of individual license issuance is foreseen in the allocation plan, due to the limited availability of the radio frequency spectrum within a specified radio frequency band.
Use of radio frequency spectrum under general authorization regime
If the risk of interferences is negligeable or the radio frequency bands in question have already been harmonized, the radio frequency spectrum is used under the general authorization regime.
Every person is entitled to utilize the radio frequency spectrum used under the general authorization regime pursuant to the allocation plan.
RATEL defines more closely the requirements for the use of radio frequency spectrum under the general authorization regime (Rulebook on the general terms and conditions for pursuing electronic communications activities under the general authorization regime).
Certain radio frequency bands used under the general authorization regime, besides being bound to operate in accordance with the Rulebook on the manner of radio frequency usage under the general authorization regime, are subject to mandatory recording in the appropriate register.
Use of radio frequency spectrum for special purposes
The national defense and security services and emergency services use and manage the radio frequency bands exclusively assigned to them according to the allocation plan.