General questions
Ratel / About Regulator / FAQ - frequently asked questions / General questions

QUESTION: Can I contact RATEL through this website?
ANSWER: If you want to send us a question, comment or suggestion, you can write to us by e-mail via contact.
QUESTION: Do I have to pay the bill I am objecting to?
ANSWER: The subscriber is obliged to pay the undisputed part of the bill amount, and if he disputes the entire bill, he is obliged to pay the average monthly debt for the last three months preceding the period to which the objection relates (Article 113 of the Law on Electronic Communications, paragraph 3).
QUESTION: Is the operator responsible for the quality of service?
ANSWER: The operator is obliged to remove malfunctions and interference no later than 48 hours from the moment of their occurrence, regardless of whether they occurred in part of the system or the entire system, and in the event that the interruption lasts longer than 48 hours from the moment of its occurrence, the operator is obliged to reduce the amount of the monthly subscription in proportion to the period in which he did not provide the service, for services for which a fixed monthly subscription is paid (Article 27 of the Rulebook on general terms and conditions for the performance of electronic communications activities under the general authorization regime).
The operator should pay special attention to the timely removal of malfunctions and interference for special categories of subscribers such as: homes for the elderly and infirm, elderly and/or disabled persons living in a house or apartment, etc.
The operator is not liable for damage if the quality of the provided service is lower than prescribed or contracted due to objective causes that could not be predicted, avoided or removed (force majeure), as well as due to timely announced works on maintenance of networks and services within deadlines appropriate to the circumstances (Article 113 of the Law on Electronic Communications).