Rulebook on the Determination of the Radio Frequency/Location/Area Allotment Plan for Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting Stations in Radio Frequency Band 470–694 MHz for the Territory of the Republic of Serbia comes into force

Rulebook on the Determination of the Radio Frequency/Location/Area Allotment Plan for Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting Stations in Radio Frequency Band 470–694 MHz for the Territory of the Republic of Serbia comes into force
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, within the prescribed competences and deadlines, has adopted the Rulebook on the Determination of the Radio Frequency/Location/Area Allotment Plan for Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting Stations in the Radio Frequency Band 470–694 MHz for the Territory of the Republic of Serbia ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 103 of 24 December 2024), which shall enter into force on 1 January 2025. The aforementioned Rulebook further specifies the Radio Frequency/Location/Area Allotment Plan for Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting Stations in the Radio Frequency Band 470–694 MHz for the Territory of the Republic of Serbia.