Reduction of roaming charges between Western Balkans and EU


The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) has announced that, as of October the 1st, 2023, based on the Roaming Declaration, signed at the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana on last December 6, the reduction of roaming charges between the European Union and the Western Balkans became effective.

Three Serbian electronic communications operators have reduced the price per GB in some of their roaming packages in the EU countries. According to the Roaming Declaration and its Annex, during the period 2023-2025, the upper price limit of one GB of roaming data within special offers or packages should not exceed 18 EUR. The roadmap for lowering roaming prices contained in the Annex will be regularly analyzed and adapted to market development. The first review of the roadmap is to be finished by mid-2025.

Prices per GB within the EU roaming package for the users from Serbia currently mostly range up to the amount twice as low as the limit foreseen in the Declaration.

The goal is to make the roaming charges between the European Union and the Western Balkans closer to the domestic prices by 2028.