EKIP’s working visit to RATEL


BELGRADE, October 30 – Representatives of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro – EKIP paid a working visit to RATEL. The main topic of the meeting was the presentation of RATEL’s information system for document management (Document Management System), Databases of licenses, technical inspections and measurement results, as well as a system for the calculation of annual fees for the use of radio frequencies, numbering, performance of electronic communications activities and provision of postal services.

A model of selected systems integrated into a centralized tool in order to make it easier for the citizens and operators to communicate with RATEL via its Internet counter was highlighted. A system for electronic issuance of individual licenses for the use of radio frequencies was presented, along with its interface to the e-Government payment system of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment of the Republic of Serbia. Through this system, approximately 80% of individual licenses for the use of radio frequencies are issued every year. In addition, an integrated solution for the calculation of annual fees for the use of radio frequencies, numbering, performance of electronic communications activities, provision of postal services, manner of distribution of necessary questionnaires based on which the calculation of annual fees is performed and the submittance of annual financial and technical  questionnaires RATEL collects in accordance with the Law on Electronic Communications was presented. The system is interfaced with the Serbian Business Registers Agency with the aim to receive updated information about operators of electronic communications and postal services. The process of electronic complaint lodging by the citizens via the Internet counter, as a user friendly tool, regarding both electronic communications and postal services, was also explained.

A joint conclusion was that the current practice of mutual exchange of knowledge and experience through working visits to address topics of common interest should be continued, which will significantly contribute to the strengthening of business capacities of the both regulators.