New Radio Frequency Band Allocation Plan goes into force
The Radio Frequency Band Allocation Plan stipulates the allocation of radio frequency bands to specified radio communication services and activities in accordance with relevant international agreements and recommendations, in the interest of citizens, economy, national security and defense.
Pursuant to Article 83, paragraph 4, of the Law on Electronic Communications („Official Gazette of RS”, Nos. 44/10, 60/13 - CC, 62/14 and 95/18), at the session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia of June 18, 2020, an Ordinance on the establishment of Radio Frequency Band Allocation Plan was passed, based on the proposal prepared by RATEL and elaborated by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, with participation of the responsible autonomous province’s body.
The Ordinance on the establishment of Radio Frequency Band Allocation Plan, published in the “Official Gazette of RS“, No. 89/20 of June 25, 2020, went into force on the eighth day following its publication, i.e. on July 3, 2020. On the day of entry into force of this ordinance, the Ordinance on the establishment of Radio Frequency Band Allocation Plan („Official Gazette of RS“, No. 99/12) ceased to be valid.
With the adoption of the new Radio Frequency Band Allocation Plan, the legal conditions are met to make changes and amendments to current regulations and to adopt new bylaws in the field of radio communications.